
disclosureThis site is funded through registered medical practitioners and you receiving paid advice from them to go ahead with the insertion of a Gastric Balloon.

We provide as much information on this site to help you decide if this procedure is right for you and then you can decide if you want to meet with a specialist. We do this by providing a simple assessment tool which will tell you if you’re likely to be accepted by a specialist to have this procedure.

The information on this site and the assessment tool should not be taken as medical advice, this includes any phone calls you have with anyone from the website (GastricBalloons.co.nz).

This website and discussions with gastricballoons.co.nz are only to be use as a guide to help decide if you should see a Gastroenterologist who will give you the medical advice over a consultation phone call or face to face visit for which you pay for.

As of 1 Feb 2018, The registered practitioner(s) will be MacMurray Centre in Remuera Auckland.

All QCard fianancail issues are between you and QCard and we can not call or represent you in assisting any finance. We are charged a 2.5% administration fee from QCard which we on charge at cost to you. There is not financial gain what so ever for the medical centre or the website in providing this service to you.

If you supply your information on this site, you agree to us communicating to you via email or phone.

All testimonials are true and have been supplied from the brands mentioned in this site.

If you have any questions in relation to this site or its content, then place email us.


Information given on this website, via phone conversation or email is of a general nature only. Advice on Gastric Balloons or your medical situation is given by a registered specialist they we refer you too. We are able to discuss the process of having a balloon, costs associated and they types of balloons that are available only.