About Us
The Gastric Balloon Center is a 24/7 online information website. All Gastric Balloon procedures are performed in conjunction with the MacMurray Centre. The MacMurray Centre has performed (as of Dec 2021) over 500 procedures. This website is designed to give Kiwis an understanding of Gastric Balloons as an alternative to invasive Gastric Surgery.
The assessment tool will tell you if a Gastric Balloon is feasible for you and include an estimation of costs including the type of Gastric Balloon. The information is displayed instantly. At the end of the assessment, you have the option to book a callback.
Can I claim on Kiwi Saver for a weight loss procedure?
Some Kiwi’s may be able to withdraw funds from their Kiwi Saver account to recover the costs of weight loss surgery or procedures. There are some key guidelines the IRD uses to allow you to withdraw your funds:
1: an illness, injury or disability that permanently affects your ability to work or poses a risk of death
2. a life-shortening congenital condition that lowers your life expectancy below the age of eligibility for New Zealand superannuation (currently 65).
You can read up about this here, and as a first step contact your Kiwi Saver provider and they may be able to advise you on how much you can withdraw.
If you want to start the process yourself you can download this form here.
Before you make this request you should also obtain a written letter from your specialist here at MacMurray who can also supply you with a written quotation after your consultation.